CDSL Rules


Rule 1: The Clare and District Soccer League (herein-afterwards referred to as the LEAGUE) shall consists of a combination of amateur clubs which have beeaffiliated to the Munster Football Association and the Football Association of Ireland and placed in Divisions as may be decided by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. An amateur club shall be one whose committees and playing membership in the LEAGUE are wholly composed of persons who have not been registered professional players (football) or referees. Clubs may, however, have the services of a professional coach or manager or trainer in accordance with the rules of the Football Association of Ireland Ltd. A re-instated professional football player or referee shall be regarded as an amateur. It is the responsibility of every Club Committee and Team Manager to familiarise themselves with the rules of the Clare and District Soccer League

Rule 2: The objects for which the LEAGUE is established is to promote, foster and develop the game of Association in the County and District of Clare, and take all such steps as may be deemed necessary or advisable for preventing infringements of the Rules of the Game or other improper practices in the game and for protecting it from abuses and do all such things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them as the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE may determine.

Rule 3: The official colours of the LEAGUE shall be BLUE and YELLOW.

Rule 4: All matches and competitions played under the auspices of the LEAGUE shall be played and conducted under the jurisdiction of the M.F.A. and the F.A.I. and in accordance with the Laws of Association Football as amended from time to time.

Rule 5: All existing amateur clubs within the LEAGUE as defined in Clause 1 above shall be eligible for membership subject to the approval of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the LEAGUE. Applications from New Clubs shall be dealt with by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE who shall make recommendations for admittance or rejection to the Management Committee. All clubs admitted to membership should, unless exempted by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, have a private enclosed ground with suitable dressing accommodation, and also make provision against encroachment of spectators on the playing area. The officers, representatives, players and members of each club in decisions of the executive or Management Committee or any of the Sub-Committee and such decisions shall be final and binding on all concerned subject to any existing right of appeal.

A New Club shall mean (a) a club admitted to the LEAGUE for the first time (b) a club which was previously a member of the LEAGUE at any time, or failed to renew its membership by the 7th July in that year (c) a club who was previously of the LEAGUE but was removed from membership of the LEAGUE.

Rule 6: The Management Committee shall consist of the Executive and one representative from each club in membership of the LEAGUE. Representatives of 1/3 (one third) of the clubs in membership shall be sufficient to form a quorum.

Rule 7: The A.G.M. of the LEAGUE shall be held on or before the 30th June each year. Each team shall be entitled to have one representative with voting rights in attendance at the meeting. A representative from each of 1/3 (one-third) of the teams in membership to form a quorum.

Rule 8: The Business of the AGM shall be to receive the Annual Report, to consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the audited Statement of Accounts and Balance sheet, to elect a President and vice Presidents, to elect the executive committee, Auditors, Legal Officers and transact any other business that may arise.

The executive committee shall consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Registrar, PRO, Munster Delegate, Grants and Compliance Officer, Youth Liaison/Child Welfare Officer and Women’s Football Officer. No two designated positions should be filled by any one member of the Executive. However, where a position is unfilled or vacated on the Executive committee, The Executive may appoint, by way of a simple majority, one or more members from within the committee to manage this position.

Nominations for President, Vice presidents and the Executive Committee must be submitted on official form to the Secretary at least TEN (10) days before the AGM. Nominations not arriving on time shall be deemed invalid. Clubs shall receive not less than Seven (7) days’ notice of the AGM. Such notice to be sent, with Agenda, to the Secretary of each club in membership for the time being.

At the AGM the Chair shall be taken by the President, or if absent, by the Vice President nominated by the Executive Committee or failing that, by one of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may at the AGM recommend that person, who in their opinion, has given long service to the League or rendered valuable services to the League, be elected as an Honorary member of the League. Honorary members shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the Management Committee, the A.G.M. and any other General Meeting convened for a specific purpose, and speak on any matter but shall have no voting power except that as a club representative.

Rule 9 (a): The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt, to fill any casual vacancy which may occur in the positions of Honorary Members and Executive Committee, but this co- option must be ratified by the following Management Committee meeting. Such co-opted members shall remain in office until the A.G.M. at which they may be candidates for election in accordance with the Rules.

Rule 9 (b): Where a member of the executive Committee fails to attend 4 Executive Committee meetings in a season then he/she shall automatically step down from his/her role for the remainder of the season and cannot seek re-election to the Executive Committee for the following season.

Rule 10: The following Sub-Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, (1) Rules and Disciplinary Committee (2) Any other committees which may be deemed necessary from time to time. In accordance with FAI guide book

Rule 11: The Executive Committee shall have full authority to act between the meetings of the Management Committee, should any question arise requiring its services in connection with the various competitions conducted by the LEAGUE. It shall investigate cases of rough play, disorderly and ungentlemanly conduct, deal with referee’s reports, club complaints and protest. It shall have the power (should in their opinion warrant it) to expel a club from membership of the LEAGUE.

Rule 12: The Executive Committee shall have the power to exclude from the LEAGUE in ensuing seasons competitions, any club or member of a club whose conduct has, in the considered opinion of the Executive Committee, been objectionable and likely to bring the LEAGUE into disrepute.

Rule 13: At any hearing of any case or investigation of any kind, members of a club or clubs concerned who are members of the Executive Committee shall not have the privilege of being present except in the capacity of witness. The said members shall not have the right to vote in their capacity as Executive Committee members.

Rule 14: Clubs in membership of the League and desiring to continue membership must make application in writing on official form (supplied by the League) to the Secretary not later than July 24th in each year., and submit a copy of their club Insurance (see Rule 106) , constitution and regulations by which their members are bound. Non-compliance with this provision will be deemed as meaning that the club or clubs concerned do not seek re-admission. New clubs seeking admission to membership must similarly make an application in writing to the Secretary by the same date. To enable the Executive Committee to function efficiently, all clubs are expected to hold their AGM, before the League’s AGM.

Rule 15: Clubs changing their Secretary must notify in writing such changes at once to the LEAGUE, The M.F.A., the F.A.I.

Rule 16: Any club in membership of the LEAGUE has the right to appeal against any decision of the Executive Committee or any Sub-Committee to the M.F.A. and then to the F.A.I., in accordance the rules of the respective bodies.

Rule 17 (a): The Annual Subscription for each team shall be determined by the Executive Committee, and all clubs shall be notified in writing by the Secretary on or before August 1st and the subscription shall be paid in three (3) parts. The first part must be paid at the 1st Delegate meeting of the season. The Second part to be paid at the 2nd Delegate meeting and the balance at the 1st Delegate meeting in the new year. Each part payment should be approximately a third of the fees.

Rule 17 (b): All fees, subscriptions and other charges by the LEAGUE are payable in accordance with the Constitution and the Rules of the LEAGUE and must be paid by cheque, postal order or money order. Cash will not be accepted under any circumstances. Clubs failing to pay all fees, subscriptions and other charges due to the LEAGUE by the due date will not be allowed to attend the A.G.M., and shall not be re-admitted to the LEAGUE in the following season.

Rule 17 (c): Disciplinary Fines to be paid on or before time specified by Registrar or Hon. Secretary. Failure to pay will result in matches being awarded until fine(s) have been paid.

Rule 18: The Executive Committee shall be empowered to arrange representative matches for the LEAGUE and to enter a representative team in any Inter-league or Inter-area competition and arrange Coaching courses, Lectures etc., and notify the next Management Committee Meeting.

Rule 19: Members of the Executive Committee and members of any Sub-Committee may be indemnified by the LEAGUE against all costs, damages, compensation and expenses incurred by them in or about the discharge of their duties, except as accrued from their own willful acts and defaults.

Rule 20: The Secretary and Treasurer for the time being of the LEAGUE, shall be, for all intents and purposes, the legal owners of all cups, money and property of the LEAGUE, and shall deal with same according to the directions of the Executive Committee and Management Committee.

Rule 21: A Special General Meeting will be called if a requisition signed by not less than TEN (10) clubs and accompanied by a fee of €100 to cover expenses is received by the Secretary. The meeting shall be convened within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of such requisition and 7 (seven) days notice shall be given to each club in membership of the league. For the purpose of this clause, 7 (seven) days notice shall be deemed to include the day of posting the notices and day for which the meeting is convened.

Rule 22: The Treasurer shall receive all monies and generally take control of the finances of the LEAGUE. He or She shall keep such account books in which he shall enter all receipts and disbursements. All Disbursements shall be paid by cheque or electronic transfer only after being sanctioned by the Executive Committee.

All Funds shall be lodged in such Bank/Banks as may be approved of and/or Invested as the Executive Committee may deem fit. He or She shall present a financial statement monthly to the Executive Committee at their regular meetings in each season. All cheques are to be signed by any two of the following:- Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer of the LEAGUE. All electronic transfers will need to be actioned / approved by any two of the following:- Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer of the LEAGUE. The treasurer shall submit his / Her accounts for examination to an approved auditor / Auditors and a certified copy thereof shall be given to each club at the A.G.M. of the LEAGUE. He or She shall present his books for inspection when required by the Executive Committee. The Financial year shall end two weeks before the A.G.M. and all outstanding fees, subscriptions and other charges must be paid by this date.

Rule 23: Clubs seeking admission or re-admission, once admitted but wishing to withdraw the club or team/teams from the LEAGUE shall be liable to the full fee for the club or team/teams.

Rule 24: The Executive Committee shall have the power to decide on all matters not provided for in the Constitution or Rules of the League but must submit the decision to the next A.G.M., for insertion in the Constitution or Rules as the case may be.

Rule 25: In the event of any interruption of postal services, correspondence in connection with protests, appeals and nominations must be lodged with the Secretary of the LEAGUE, at his registered home address, in accordance with appropriate rule and dated official receipt obtained. Likewise, signing-on-forms and must be delivered to the LEAGUE'S Registrar.

Rule 26: The Executive Committee shall have the power to investigate charges against LEAGUE officials and to remove from office any person whose conduct in the management of LEAGUE affairs has been objectionable. Any Executive Committee member without a satisfactory explanation shall forthwith cease to be a member of the Executive Committee. The Munster Council Delegate must attend at least 3 (three) meetings in the season.

Rule 27: In the event of an appeal being lodged against a decision of the Clare and District Soccer League, no points shall be awarded or subsidiary cup ties played, pending the result of the appeal.

Rule 28: The Executive Committee have right to alter or add to existing League Management Rules at their opening meeting of each season subject to the approval of the League Management Committee at their first meeting of each season.

Rule 29: These Constitutional Rules cannot be altered, annulled or added to except at the A.G.M., or Special General Meeting convened for that purpose. Notice of proposed alterations must be lodged in writing with the Secretary not later than two (2) weeks before the A.G.M. and Special General Meetings. The Executive Committee shall have the power to submit alterations to the Constitution and Rules of the A.G.M. and Special General Meeting. All proposed alterations must be forwarded to each club with the Agenda for the A.G.M. or S.G.M., seven (7) days prior to any meeting. No alterations or additions shall be made unless supported by at least two-thirds (2/3) of those present and voting. Quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be not less than five (5).




Rule 30: A minimum of four meetings of the management committee shall be held during the football season and will be convened by the Executive committee. Notification of such meetings shall be by email. These shall also be known as delegate meetings.

Rule 31: Each club in membership must send a representative to every Management Committee meeting and all other meetings called by the LEAGUE.

Rule 32: Clubs failing to be represented at meetings of the Management Committee shall be fined €100 for each failure unless give a satisfactory explanation.

Rule 33: The concluding meeting of the League Management Committee shall be held not later than 30th May each year.


Rule 34: Each club shall register with the Secretary of the LEAGUE, the name and address of its Secretary, situation of ground, club email address, team colours and any other information that may be required from time to time.

Rule 35: All clubs shall register two (2) sets of colours for each team except in special cases sanctioned by the LEAGUE. Club colours will be published on the official Clare League website

Rule 36: Clubs in membership of the LEAGUE shall place their ground/grounds and players at the disposal of the LEAGUE for representative or other matches. In the event of any club or player failing to comply with this rule, without giving satisfactory reason, the Executive Committee shall have the power to prohibit them from taking any further part in any competition of the LEAGUE during any such period as may be decided, or may fine or otherwise deal with such club/clubs or player/players as may be considered necessary.

Rule 37: Any amount ordered by the Executive Committee to be paid, must be received by the Treasurer of the LEAGUE within fourteen (14) days from date of issue by the Secretary. A club or clubs failing to comply with this rule shall not be allowed to take further part in any competition of the LEAGUE and shall forfeit all fixtures which have been played or are due to be played until such time as the amount is paid.


Rule 38: The following competitions shall be run by the League during the season – Leagues for U17s, Youths, U19s, Junior, Women’s and U19 Women’s for all necessary divisions. Clare Cup (Junior), U19 Cup, Youths Cup, U17 Cup, Women’s Cup, U19 Women’s Cup. League Cup (Junior) and Divisional Cups (Junior) and any other competitions which may come up from time to time. Any other competitions can only be introduced with the agreement of the management committee. Any proposals for new competitions must be presented for consideration to the management committee at the League AGM preceding the season in which the new competition is proposed to begin.

Referee Inspectors to attend matches on a regular basis. (Newmarket Celtic 1986/1987)

Rule 39: In all divisions a system of promotion and relegation shall apply wherever possible.

Rule 40: The winning team in each division shall be promoted to the next highest division. The team finishing bottom of the division shall be relegated to the next lowest division. More than one (1) team may be promoted or relegated at the discretion of the Executive Committee. An equal number of teams in each division as far as numerically possible.

Rule 41: No 2 teams from the same club may play in the same division, except in (a) the Lowest Division & (b) Underage Leagues.

To ensure compliance with this rule a team cannot be promoted into the same Division where a team from the same club plays. The next highest team shall be promoted. Where a team is relegated into a Division where a team from the same club plays than the lower team is automatically relegated to the next lowest Division. However, a team can be relegated into the lowest Division even if a team from the same club is already in this Division.

Rule 42: In League Competitions, three (3) points shall be allowed for a win and one (1) for a draw. The team with highest number of points shall be declared the Winners. In the event of two teams finishing on the same number of points at the completion of fixtures a play-off shall be necessary to decide the winners. In the League competitions, only the teams having the least number of points at the completion of fixtures shall be relegated. In the event of teams having equal points at the completion of the fixtures a play-off shall decide which teams will be relegated or promoted.

Rule 43: The runners-up in both the Youths Cup and Clare Cup shall receive runners-up medals.

Rule 44: No individual shall play for more than one team in any one competition.


Rule 45:

a) Official notification, including time, venue and referee, for all matches shall be through the Official Clare League website and the local press. In the event of a discrepancy, the website fixture takes precedent.

b) All games must be played on the days and times appointed, unless otherwise advised by the League's Secretary or Fixture's Secretary. If any changes to a fixture the clubs involved will be notified by email and phone.

c) If a Cup final fixture is changed within 3 days of the original date of the fixture, both clubs have to agree on a new time and date for the fixture.

d) Any fixtures to be played in August will be published in advance of the start of the season. The last 3 rounds of fixtures for each division will be published at the start of the season. The last 3 rounds of fixtures to be played as per the master fixtures list.

e) Minimum of 72 hours between games.

f) Premier Division to start with League Cup matches at weekends and League Cup matches midweek.

g) First, Second and Third Divisions to start with league cup matches at weekends and league cup matches midweek.

h) Master Fixtures List

1) Fixtures Secretary to produce first half of master fixtures list to include all games up to 31st December 2 weeks before start of season that includes dates for League games, League Cup, Munster Junior Cup, FAI Junior Cup and Oscar Traynor

2) Fixtures Secretary to produce second half of master fixtures list to include all games up to 31st May before the 15th December that includes dates for League games, Clare Cup, Munster Junior Cup, FAI Junior Cup and Oscar Traynor

3) Master Fixtures Schedule to be generated randomly by using a recognised fixtures application or website. This chosen app or website to be made known to each club and the process used to be circulated in advance of the publication of the Masters Fixtures Schedule.

i) Club Secretary must notify Fixtures Secretary by 1pm the day before a match if home pitch is unplayable. If home pitch is unplayable, you will be required to travel to the away teams ground if you have not already played the team in question.

j) No youths or u17 games to be played on same day as junior matches for clubs with junior and youths / u17 teams

k) A minimum of 48 hours’ notice needed to switch a match from a grass to an Astro pitch or vice versa.

l) Where a club has two adult teams A and B team matches should not kickoff at the same time at weekends or same night for midweek matches unless agreed in advance by that club.

m) Teams involved in the Clare Cup Final to be free of fixtures for 7 days before and 7 days after unless clubs involved agree to a different schedule.

n) Youths and U17 fixtures not to be played on the same day for clubs with Youths and U17 teams

o) 7 days’ notice to be given for any playoff fixtures after league rounds have completed unless clubs involved agree to a different schedule.

p) Where a team has had no fixture for 4 or more weeks, on fifth week the team will be prioritised for a fixture

Rule 46: No club or clubs shall have the power to postpone a fixture. The Executive Committee shall, on giving due notice to the clubs concerned, have the power to change or postpone any fixture. The Executive Committee shall have the power to deprive both clubs of the points and to fine or otherwise punish any club found guilty of infringing this rule.

Rule 47:

a) Junior teams failing to fulfil fixtures shall be fined €125.00 and deducted 6 (six) points for the first failure. Youths teams failing to fulfil a fixture shall be fined €75.00 and deducted 3 (Three) points for the first failure. Junior teams failing to fulfil a second fixtures shall be fined €250.00 and deducted 6 (six) points. Youths teams failing to fulfil a second and third fixture shall be fined €150.00 for each and deducted 3 (Three) points for each failure.

b) A Youths or U17 team who fails to fulfill a fixture on 3 (three) occasions during a season, shall be automatically suspended from the Clare League for the rest of the season.

c) A Junior team who fails to fulfil a fixture on 2 occasions during the season, shall be automatically suspended from the Clare League for the rest of the season. This team will have to pay a bond of €600.00 to come back into the league.

d) Should a club or team fail to complete its fixtures, three points shall be awarded to the disappointed teams for each of the un-played matches, except when a team has played less than half its scheduled matches - then it’s record shall be deleted completely.

Rule 48: In the event of 2 teams, in a fixture, having the same registered colours, the home team/club shall change, otherwise the fixture may not take place and the home team may lose the points or be fined.

Rule 49: Both teams must provide 2 (two) footballs in match conditions for every game. The referee shall report breaches of this rule for which the penalty shall be a fine or loss of points.

Rule 50: The Secretary or other responsible person of each contesting team in a match shall, at the beginning of the match, fill in and sign the referee’s card in accordance with this rule. The FULL Surname and Christian Name of the players and substitutes participating in the match shall be filled in on the card. If club is playing a B or C team player for clubs A or B team then club needs to identify his/her assigned team by making a B or C note beside name of player on match card. If club is playing an underage player for clubs A, B or C team or for an older Underage team then club needs to identify his/her assigned team by making a note beside name of player on match card. Failure to comply with this rule will leave team/teams liable for a €25 fine

Rule 51: Clubs guilty of playing players while suspended or under false names or unregistered player/s or being ineligible shall receive a fine of up to €150, lose points or cup tie if they won or drew. If both teams are guilty match will be declared void and both teams will receive a fine of up to €150.

Rule 52: In the case of abandoned or unfinished fixtures the Executive Committee shall investigate the circumstances, and shall have the power to order a reply, play the unexpired time in 2 (two) equal periods, or award the points or tie. In the case of unexpired time being ordered to be played, it will not be compulsory for the teams concerned to field the same players who participated in the original fixture, but it will be compulsory that each team start with the same number of players as they finished with at the time of the abandonment or unfinished fixture.

Rule 53: When a referee has been appointed for a fixture within the jurisdiction of the LEAGUE, no objection to such official will be entertained from the club or clubs participating in the fixture, except in the case where an objection has been lodged and sustained by the Referee's Committee of the F.A.I.

Rule 54: Referee's shall be appointed to the various fixtures. In the event of the appointed referee not attending the fixture, and the 2 (two) teams agree to one at the venue, such agreed referee shall be considered a LEAGUE official for the time being and shall have full powers as if he had been the appointed referee.

Rule 55: Any objection to ground marking, goal nets, goal posts, corner flags or size of ground must be made in writing before the game is started. The referee shall have the power to have such objection corrected. The referee shall also have power to decide as to the fitness of the ground for play. In the event of a ground being unmarked for a match, the referee shall have the power not to act in the fixture, unless the teams agreed to play. The referee's decision on the day shall be final and shall not be grounds for a protest or claim.

Rule 57: Members of the Executive Committee, the M.F.A., and the F.A.I., shall be admitted to all fixtures (free of charge) under the jurisdiction of the LEAGUE on production of their card of membership.

Rule 58: The Youths and Junior Cup Semi-Finals shall be played at Neutral venues and linesmen shall be provided for same.


Rule 59: A Player must be registered on an approved hard copy or electronic FAI League Registration Form obtainable from a member League. A bona-fide Player of a club is one (1) who has signed a properly completed hard copy registration form and paid the appropriate registration fee (if any), duly witnessed by the Club Secretary and received by the League in hard copy or electronic format. A Player is registered for a Club if his registration form has been examined and is considered to be properly completed when stamped or approved in electronic format by a League. A League date stamp or electronic date record shall be the official date of registration. The registration fee for Junior players is €50, Women’s Junior Players €25, Youths players is €20, U17 Team is €150 per team.

Rule 60:

(a) In order to facilitate clubs of the League, master forms must be posted to the Registrar of the League by registered post ten (10) days prior to the start of the season and accompanied by the relevant fee.

(b) Registration forms posted after this time must be posted singly by registered post to the registrar and accompanied by the relevant fee if applicable forty eight (48) hours before a match.

Rule 61: The Registrar of the LEAGUE shall issue an official receipt by email for all registration forms received.

Rule 62: A Player is only eligible to play in a League or Cup match if there is at least one (1) calendar day between the date of receipt of the registration form by the League and the day of a match.

Rule 63: Clubs should note that as registration forms of players may be lost in post, or mislaid through any other reason, a player should not be deemed registered until the receipt signed or email sent by the Registrar is held by the club and produced when necessary. As a result of a protest, where it has been proved that an unregistered player or players have participated in a match, the club or clubs shall be automatically fined €40. The fine is in addition to any other penalties which the Executive Committee may impose.


Players wishing to register in the CDSL from an Eircom League Club or League of a similar status must adhere to the following.

(a) The player must be re-instated from professional to amateur status by the FAI if required. (b) The player must provide a letter of clearance from his last club and the Eircom League

(c) He must be regarded to junior status by the CDSL.

(d) A regarded player who wishes to play in the FAI Junior Cup or Oscar Traynor competition must ask the League Secretary to notify the secretary of the FAI Junior Council by registered post that he has been regarded by the CDSL.

Rule 65: Registered referee's must first receive clearance from their governing body before they can be registered as a player with the LEAGUE. A copy of said clearance must be forwarded with the relevant registration form.

Rule 66: Players of clubs disbanded or removed from the LEAGUE for any reason, cannot be registered as a player of any other club in membership of any LEAGUE without first receiving the sanction of the Executive Committee of the LEAGUE.

Rule 67: The Registrar of the LEAGUE shall receive and file all documents in connection with players and publish a list of registered players on the official Clare League website. A Bona Fide representative of a club may have access to the documents of his club opponents of the previous weekend or in the case of mid-week match, on Monday or day after match takes place. Searches may be carried out at 9.30PM on Monday or day after match, and a charge of €5 shall be made for each search. In the case of a cross protest, the club protested against shall be offered an opportunity of inspection at 9.30PM on Monday at Executive Committee meetings or day after match at Registrar's home, following receipt of the protest and at the same hour for a fee of €5. The Registrar shall issue an official receipt for all monies received.

Rule 68:

a) A club with more than one (1) team in any grade will be entitled to use the one team name, the only distinction being that they must nominate their teams A, B, C, etc. and this must be clearly stated on their Registration Forms.

b) Any club entering a second team must have a minimum of 16 players registered with the A team at all times.

c) These players cannot play with the clubs B team unless they receive a transfer from the A team and they register as B players.

d) Any player that is registered with a clubs B team can play a maximum of five (5) games with the club’s A team without losing his B status. When a B player has played more than five (5) games with the club’s A team he cannot play with the club’s B team again for the remainder of the season. No B team can include a player that has played more than five (5) games with the clubs A team.

e) Clubs entering three (3) teams will be bound by the same rules. Substitute A with B; B with C etc.

f) Any player that transfers from a clubs A team having played five (5) or more games shall not be permitted to play with the clubs A team again for the remainder of the season. For clubs with more than two (2) teams, substitute A for B and B for C, etc.

Rule 69: No player, either amateur or professional, can sign two (2) registration forms during the same season without first obtaining a transfer from his original club. ORIGINAL shall mean the club which the player has been registered for first during the season.

Rule 70: In the event of a player severing his connection with any club, he will require to be re- registered before playing again in any competition under the jurisdiction of the LEAGUE. All registration fees must be cleared before transfer.

Rule 71:

(a) Player's who have outstanding debt Cre: (Clare League Field Levy) shall not be allowed sign for another club until such fee is paid to former club.

(b) Regular meetings to be held between Referee Inspector and the Clare League Committee at least once a month to deal with complaints and other matters.


Rule 72:

(a) To transfer a player from one club to another within the LEAGUE, the transfer must be completed on an official FAI transfer form supplied by the LEAGUE ad will include a €5 administration charge to be incurred by player’s new club.

(b) In addition to the transfer form, a player must also complete a LEAGUE registration form for the club he is signing for and this form must be registered with the League.

(c) Any player that transfers from a clubs A team having played five (5) or more games shall not be permitted to play with the clubs A team again for the remainder of the season. For clubs with more than two (2) teams, substitute A for B and B for C, etc.

Rule 73: To transfer a player from one LEAGUE to another, the transfer must be completed on an official form supplied by the LEAGUE he is transferring to and a letter of clearance from the LEAGUE he is coming from must accompany this form.

Rule 74: Players being transferred become eligible from the time their forms, properly completed and in order, is received through the post by the Registrar. Date and time of postmark on transfer form is the official date of transfer. Send by registered post.

Rule 75:

(a)  The two (2) transfer periods for the Clare District Soccer League will be 1st June to

30th September inclusive and the 1st December to 31st January inclusive. A transfer form bearing the postdate stamp, or emailed, later than the 30th September or 31st January will automatically be deemed invalid.

(b) If a club disbands during the season the players registration comes under the direction of the Clare District Soccer League. The player may be allowed at the discretion of the League to register with another club within the league. The deadline for such registrations shall be the 31st January.

(c) A Player registered with a club whose fixtures extends beyond 31st May is committed to this club until their fixtures/season are complete.

(d) The registration period for the Clare District Soccer League shall be 1st June to 31st March inclusive. A registration form bearing the postdate stamp, or emailed, later than the 31st March will automatically be deemed invalid.

Rule 76: The Executive Committee of the LEAGUE shall have power to expel any club which is guilty of any attempt to induce a bona fide player of any LEAGUE club to join them.

Rule 77: The Registrar of the LEAGUE shall list all the transfers (monthly) for the information of the Management Committee meeting.

Rule 78: A club wishing to sign a player registered with another club must advise that club (in writing) that they wish to approach the player. A copy of said letter must be forwarded to the C.D.S.L.

Rule 79: A club, in membership of the LEAGUE, which withholds a players transfer without having valid claim against such player, when the transfer has been applied for by the player or on his behalf, by a club, the club withholding the transfer will be reported to the Executive

Committee who, after investigating the matter, may make an order for the transfer of the player. The order must be complied with within three (3) days of being notified to the withholding club. A club found guilty of unreasonably withholding a player's transfer will be dealt with as the Executive Committee may deem fit.


Rule 80: Protests must be forwarded to the Secretary and a copy of same to the club concerned by Registered Post, bearing postmark within 2 (two) days of the date on which the match has been played. The protesting club must state all facts in their protest and must produce, at the first investigation, all evidence they wish to tender in support of their case. In no circumstances will a club be allowed to withdraw a protest. To appeal any decision to the C.D.S.L. you must send a bank draft or postal order for €30 with your appeal.

NOTE: If you then need to appeal decision to MFA you must appeal in accordance with rules of the MFA. If you then need to appeal that decision to the FAI you must appeal in accordance with the rules of the FAI.

Rule 81: All protests lodged in connection with matches shall be investigated by the Executive Committee. At the hearing of such protests, the prosecuting club must produce full evidence and all witnesses while the defending club must produce all players named or concerned in the protest. The date of the investigation of the protest shall be communicated to the clubs.

Rule 82: The onus of proof of a Protest shall be with the protesting club, but the Executive Committee may cause an investigation to be made if such action is considered necessary. The Committee shall have access to all documents and the authority to obtain any information required in order to arrive at a decision.

Rule 83: When a protest has been upheld, the fee shall be returned, unless the decision has been reversed in subsequent and ultimate appeal. When a player protested against has been proved ineligible the points or cup tie may be awarded to the opposing team, providing no ineligibility of a player of the opposing team has been proved in accordance with the Rules, and subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee under rule.

Rule 84: Where both teams are duly proved to have played illegal players, no points or cup tie shall be allowed to either. In cases of protests, other than against players, the Executive Committee shall have the power to award points, cup tie, order a replay or make such decisions as considered proper.

Rule 85: In the case of abandoned or unfinished match or matches, should there be cause for protest, against any player or players being ineligible, such protest must be lodged with 2 (two) clear days of the date on which the match or matches had been abandoned or unfinished in accordance with Rules 81 and 82. A further period of 48 (forty-eight) hours shall be afforded to the club protested against to lodge a cross protest.

Rule 86: A club failing to appear in answer to a protest, when so notified, or failing to give a satisfactory explanation of their absence to the Committee, shall be fined and otherwise penalised as deemed necessary. Amounts ordered to be paid must be received with 14 (fourteen) days of notification day. Minimum fine €40.

Rule 87: If a team is not satisfied as to the eligibility of its opponents on the pitch, it's Captain, Secretary, or other official can make representation on the matter, and when so requested, the officials of the team complained against must instruct their players, either before the match, or at the interval, or both, to move into a suitable position and facilitate the complaining team in every way, so that a photograph may be procured, and as proof, the Secretary of the complaining team may place himself or another official in the group to be photographed. Such photograph will be admitted as evidence in the investigation of any subsequent protest.

In the event of an appeal being deemed frivolous or out of order, a fine up to a maximum of €150 may be imposed.


Rule 88: If a member of the Executive Committee has any doubt as to the qualifications of any player taking part in any match, such member must make the complaint in writing within 48 (forty-eight) hours after the playing of the match. The Executive Committee shall call upon such player, or the club for which he played, to prove that he is qualified according to the Rules. Failing satisfactory proof, the Executive Committee may deduct the points or cup tie from the offending club. Points or cup tie will be awarded to the opposing team without a protest being lodged and upheld by the opposing team. The member questioning the eligibility of a player or players must give reason for so doing.

Rule 89: In all cases where a Referee orders a player or official from the field of Play, the player (players), official (officials) concerned must forward, immediately, a written explanation of the incident so as to reach the Secretary of the LEAGUE within 5 (five) days of the match concerned.

Rule 90: All player's shirts must be numbered and each player's name shall be entered on the referee's Match Card opposite the number to be worn by him during the match. The referee shall report breaches of this rule for which the penalty shall be fine of €10 on the club. Infringement of this Rule shall not be a cause of protest by the opposing team.

Rule 91: Each member, on speaking, shall rise and address themselves to the Chairman and not to any other member of the LEAGUE. During the time any member is speaking, all other members shall remain seated, unless a member rises to point of order. Whenever the Chairman rises to speak no one shall continue standing, nor shall anyone rise until the chair has been resumed.

Rule 92: If the Chairman, at any LEAGUE or Management Meeting, shall be of the opinion that any motion proposed to be made thereat is of an objectionable character, it shall be competent for him, either before or after the same is brought forward, to put it to the vote (on which no discussion shall be allowed) whether the same shall be entertained or not, and if 3/4 (three quarters) of the members present decide not to entertain the motion, the same shall be considered as disposed of.

Rule 93: Standing Orders shall not be suspended unless the motion to suspend obtains a majority of 2/3 (two thirds) of the members present and voting.

Rule 94: Every club is responsible to the LEAGUE for the actions of its players, officials and spectators, and is required to take all precautions necessary to prevent spectators threatening or assaulting officials and players during or at the conclusion of matches.

Rule 95: Cup ties shall take precedence over all other matches in their respective grades.

Rule 96:

(a): A Player or member of a club shall not, during the period of their suspension, play or take part in any match or fixture under this LEAGUE, hold any office in his club or act in any capacity under this LEAGUE.

(b): A player or member of a club who during the period of their suspension plays or takes part in any match or fixture under this league will be deemed not to have served his suspension and the suspension will move to the next immediate fixture.

(c): A club in breach of Rule 96(a) + (b) shall be sanctioned as per rule 51. A player or member of a club in breach of Rule 96(a) + (b) may receive an additional period of suspension.

Rule 97

(a): The suspension of a team shall mean the prevention of the particular team concerned, and officials of such team from participation in any way under the jurisdiction of the M.F.A. and C.D.S.L. The suspension of any such team shall not affect any other team from the club.

(b): Publish list of suspensions on website weekly.

Rule 98: Any member of a suspended club who may be on the LEAGUE shall not act in such capacity or any other capacity under the LEAGUE during the period of their suspension. A person may be elected in their stead to the LEAGUE or Committee affected, but the person so appointed shall only act during the period or suspension.

Rule 99: All suspensions shall be determined in days, weeks, years or games, whenever the need arises.

Rule 100: All club team managers must hold coaching qualifications.

Rule 101: All clubs in the Premier and 1st Division Leagues must have changing facilities.

Rule 102: €100 levy on all clubs to prepare and develop our U17 and U18 players in the league.

Rule 103: All clubs must submit to the League before the season starts an official email address for correspondence.

Rule 104: No Club or Player shall be entitled to play any match including friendlies without getting the CDSL’s consent in writing. If two Clare League clubs involved then both clubs must put request to the League in writing. Only official referee’s appointed by the Fixture’s Secretary or League’s Secretary may officiate if matches take place within the jurisdiction of the CDSL.

Rule 105: Postponements or cancellations will not be granted for injuries or illness to players. Regarding bereavements, postponements may be granted for the death of husband/wife/mother/father/brother/sister/son/daughter of a Registered Club Officer or Player at the discretion of the Fixtures Secretary. Postponements will not be granted on day after the burial service has taken place, one minute silence may be observed as a mark of respect. In the event of a major tragedy or similar occurrence in any particular area, the Fixtures Secretary may exercise his discretion to cancel a fixture if the said occurrence affected a Club in that area. Where postponements have been granted by the Fixtures Secretary for bereavements, the Club that requested the postponement must supply in writing to the Fixtures Secretary within fourteen days, full details of how the bereavement affected his team on the day.

Rule 106: All teams in the Clare League must have Personal Accident & Public Liability


Rule 107 (a): The League to provide up to 25 medals for all League winners if that club has 25 registered players who played a minimum of 3 games during the League campaign. List of players eligible for a medal to be sent on by club within 14 days after cup has been presented to them. List will then be verified with list of registered players. If no list provided by club then League will present club with the normal allocation of 17 winners medals.

Rule 107(b): League Trophy to be presented to the League Winners at their final game of the season

Rule 108: Five (5) substitutes may be used in any match under the control of the Clare and District Soccer League.

Rule 109: When the winning club has been declared in any Competition, the following effect shall be subscribed to:-

"We, the members of and representing.......................which has now been declared to have won

the .................. and the said Trophy having been delivered to us, we do hereby, on behalf of the

said .................. club, individually and collectively, engage to return same to the Secretary of the LEAGUE

2 (two) weeks prior to the completion of any competition or 1/4 Final in good order and condition, and provided the said Trophy be damaged beyond repair, destroyed by fire, or lost in any way while in our possession, we agree to refund the Clare and District Soccer League the amount of its value."

Rule 110: Any infringement of any the Rules of the LEAGUE or the Laws of the Game shall render the offenders liable to expulsion, suspension, fine or other penalty as the LEAGUE may think fit.

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